( 1天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室, 天津 300072; 2金沙总站6165地址,北京,100141)
摘 要:本研究的目的为研究液压油在线污染连续检测过程中,存在应用环境复杂中流速随机波动和颗粒分布随机变化的主要技术障碍。采用FARIMA数学模型和随机过程谱分析方法实现了复杂环境流速信息实时识别与补偿;并设计了新型颗粒污染传感器。通过对第三方实验室实验及与客户的测试比对,表明新型传感器具有复杂应用环境连续在线检测重复性精度更优的优点。本传感器产品已在部队及许多大型工矿企业应用,成为大型设备主动维护的重要手段并为润滑管理审计等工作提供技术保障,为发展节能减排可提供有效的技术支持。
关键词:油液污染度;在线连续检测;传感器设计; FARIMA模型;随机过程谱分析
Research of method and sensor for on-line hydraulic oil
contamination detection
SUN Yan-shan1,2 DENG Ke2
(1 Tianjin University, State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instrument, Tianjin 300072;2 BEIJING HANG FENG KE WEI EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD,BEIJING,100141)
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to get the solution of technical problem when execute complex environmental in-line hydraulic oil contamination detection which are mainly cause by flow change quickly and randomly and the distribution of particles is also change randomly. A new type of sensor is designed by using the FARIMA model and random processes spectrum analysis method which can realize the recognition and compensation of flow information and change of the distribution about particles in oil. It is proved that it can solve relative impediment which has better repeatability precision by comparing the results of test conducted by customers and third-party lab. This new type of sensor has already been used in many large?scale industrial and mining enterprises as production, which can be an important method to improve the effect to maintain large equipment initiatively and provide reliable technical ensure to lubrication audit.
Keywords: Oil contamination; on-line detection; FARIMA model;random processes spectrum analysis; sensor designation
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